Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Closed Beta 2 Videos - Random

Some random clips that don't really have their own categories somehow got uploaded. I don't want to waste the efforts so I'll be keeping them. The first video is of me doing random in-game stuff with my Slayer much like what you would see in a stream. I most likely recorded this accidentally so what the hey, watch it if you're bored.

Random Slayer Gameplay

Just look at all these people camping the safe zones...

Safe Zone Camping in Poporion 1 & 2
No Fun Allowed vs their small alternate guild, Still No Fun Allowed. We then run into Touch Fluffy Tails and hang with them.

NFA vs their alt Guild & some of TFT
After getting bored of the mansion, we all decide to go back to Velika and we see Aphotic. We then proceed to trample them into Velika. They then never come out after that...

NFA & TFT vs Aphotic

Fun times!

Closed Beta 2 Videos - Crab World Boss

Second is my guild and I taking down the crab world boss at Aurum Road near the ocean. Zerged the living daylights out of it.

See for yourself.

Dat Crab World Boss

Closed Beta 2 Videos - PvP

As promised, I've uploaded all the videos I recorded during the second closed beta and here they are in full 1080p glory! I'll split the types of videos into different categories so it's more organized.

First day at Lumbertown Part 1

First day at Lumbertown Part 2

Second day at Poporion Part 1

Second day at Poporion Part 2

Second day at Poporion Part 3

Big Patch for KTERA in 1 Hour!

That's right! The KTERA patch that was talked about here is about to be released in about an hour. Koreans will have their first look at the 2 new dungeons while grinding their way up to level 60 (I'm sure in a mere few hours). Expect new dungeon gameplay videos as well as other new things soon!

Sidenote: If you want to watch a good KTERA stream, I recommend viewing Yinwaru's twitch.tv stream. He's an English-speaking player who plays at end-game TERA level and is very insightful. Check out his stream here.

Raw links:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Glyph Simulator

Friend just showed me this site that allows you to play around with the glyphs for any class. The site is in Russian, but the Glyph Simulator is English so no worries.

Raw link: http://www.teraguru.ru/glyphcalc#wr

End of Closed Beta #2

Welp that was fun. Will be uploading some videos and screenshots in the next couple of days. Got a lot of footage to sift through!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

TERA Closed Beta 2!

Started around 14 hours ago. Was too busy playing to write on my blog lol. New videos will be up this coming week so stay tuned.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bug Reporting Incentive

Just very recently, a member on the official TERA forums attained a free Chronoscroll from En Masse themselves because he reported a bug. En Masse personally thanked him as well. Best company ever? From what I'm seeing, they're doing a great job.

For those who don't know what a Chronoscroll is, it extends your subscription to TERA for an additional 30 days, which can also be purchased in-game later on with gold or purchasing a subscription normally from En Masse.

Chronoscroll as a gift

Original thread: http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/general-discussion/topics/Really-CBT-be-aware

NA Closed Beta 2 Soon

The second closed beta test will be online in about 20 hours from when this post is created. Get your rig, food, drinks, and piss bottle ready!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ZAM Beta Key Giveaway

The nice people at ZAM are giving away keys for the next closed beta test (might even work for the subsequent betas). All you need to do is create an account there and you too could get your own key!


New Site Ads!

Just recently, I've implemented a couple of ads to the site, one on the right navigation bar and on large banner on the bottom of the page. I hope these aren't too intruding. If they are, please comment below and I'll see what I can do.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

Not much happening in the TERA world right now. EU's beta just finished on Sunday last weekend and now the NA players are waiting for their fair share of PvP. I personally can't wait as I've been watching several videos of the gameplay and it looks very exciting!

I am planning on live stream myself playing TERA on the opening day of the beta. Fun times await.

Will be rolling a Slayer this time around.

Popori in the opening cutscene

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Veteran's Guide and Dungeon Guide By En Masse

En Masse Entertainment recently just released a Veteran's Guide and a Dungeon Guide to the masses for important information that everyone will eventually need to know as they play more and more TERA. This guide speeds up the process by providing an easy-to-access knowledge base for all users to see.

First off, the Veteran's Guide is a guide that provides general knowledge of the game. It's a very useful guide for the noobs to learn more about their beloved TERA and for the occasional veteran whose forgotten what Gather No Moss does for the Baraka.

The second guide, called the Dungeon Guide is just as the name implies- it provides an abundance of information for each and every dungeon that is out (and will be out in the future). Anything from how to get to the dungeon to what the final boss spawns! However, it won't be updated right when a new dungeon comes out; what fun would that be? Therefore En Masse has said that they will release the dungeons' information in a timely manner after they believe most, if not everyone has ran through it at least once and experienced it.

Veteran's Guide: Click!
Dungeon Guide: Click!

Second Closed Beta Information Announced

Here's an excerpt by Scapes, the Digital Marketing Director of En Masse Entertainment:
  • Duration: Friday, February 24 at 12:00 PM PST to Sunday, February 26 at 11:59 PM PST
  • Servers: Arachnaea - PvE, Serpentis Isle - PvE, Valley of Titans - PvP
  • Maximum Level: 27
  • Character Slots: 2 per server
This is good news for all of us who want to roll a new character and try something different for the next time around as well as those who wish to continue their previous characters (which I'm sure most of you will to see the new content in store). A new server will also be included in the beta and lo and behold, it's a PvP server! Now the fun begins.

Original post is here: Click!

Choosing Your Class

Here's a guide/rough outline on how to choose your class when you play TERA if you haven't made up your mind. It gives a brief overview of what each class does as well as what it's primary role is. Races in TERA also come into play and so it is also covered.

Credits go to Luciferia of TERAPvp.


Massive Gear & Enchanting Guide

Here's a very in-depth nice guide by Deioth of Atra Astrum about every single detail on what you want to know for your TERA gear. It covers everything from special weapon attributes to the very minor details of enchanting.

Check it out here! Click!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Closed Beta 1 Videos - Vindicator Basecamp to Sandbar Beach

Just uploaded another video of me running around the higher leveled areas before the beta ended. This area I believe should be around the high 20s to low 30s.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Site Updates

Not much to post about today. Added the beta schedules for both NA and EU on the right and will be making more updates to the site for the next couple of days. Some new videos should be up tomorrow so adios until then!

NA TERA Patch 16.03.04

The patch that I've been waiting for! It covers the true max graphic settings that TERA can offer.

An excerpt of the patch notes:

Fixed Issues

  • The "Contact Support" button now brings you to the TERA Customer Support page on the website.
  • Moving the mouse pointer no longer skips the opening cinematic movie. It can be skipped by press any key.
  • The LFG, Vanarch, and Party Alert chat channels will now be moderated.
  • The description for Soothing Rhomb has been corrected.
  • When trying to create a new character, you will now be notified if you have reached the maximum number of characters on your account for that particular closed beta test.
  • Achievements will now display in the chat window properly.
  • This build replaces some existing textures with high-resolution textures. They will display if you set the graphics options to maximum.

Known Issues

  • The client may crash when trying to login to server after exiting the server queue screen.
  • The cinematic for the Circle the Wagons quest will not render environmental detail if your Distant Environmental Detail setting is below the max setting of 6.
  • Outlaw quests point you to NPC Kareras who is currently not labeled or clickable, and may not appear on the Mini-Map.
  • When changing locations, party members may "arrive" in a different channel.
  • The Contaminated Well area in the Quarantine Zone map has the incorrect environment textures.
  • Cancelling a Teleport Scroll mid-use will cancel the teleportation but still consume the item.
  • The quest objective and text of the Promised Support quest conflict.
  • The right ALT key registers as a double press with each single press. Use the left ALT key in the interim.
  • Piglings occasionally drop huge amounts of gold.
  • Battlegrounds are not implemented in this build.
  • The mystic's Thrall summon may re-engage monsters even after its summoning mystic dies.
You can patch to 16.03.04 by running and logging into the TERA launcher. Have you not downloaded TERA yet? If you've pre-ordered TERA from the En Masse store or applied a beta code to your En Masse account, you can visit your account page and grab the TERA launcher from there. For more information on downloading TERA, please refer to our Customer Support page.
Original post here: http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/general-discussion/topics/Patch-160304-Now-Available-5895

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Closed Beta 1 Videos - BAM Hunting!

Got two more videos uploaded today showcasing some BAM hunting action! Recorded these one hour before the close beta ended and it was very fun. Sorry about the people talking on Ventrilo, forgot to turn it off during recording.

Alright, first off, we got the level 21 BAM called Radak that's required for a quest! A pretty easy one.

And second, we have a level 24 BAM that we took down- slowly but surely as one of our DPS was on the phone half the time and the other one was severely underleveled and kept dying. Still very fun though.

As always, the videos are in 1080p HD so you can feel it as if you were actually playing the game!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Big Patch for KTERA!

The Korean TERA will get a large patch at the end of February which includes a plethora of new things:
  1. New Regions
  2. Two new instance dungeons
  3. New level 60 skills
  4. Level cap raise from 58 to 60
  5. War against the Argon
  6. Warrior stack system
  7. Reputation quests and updated repeatable quests
  8. Tons of new items
  9. New mounts
  10. Crystal system changes
  11. Large scale PVE content: The Dark Rift
  12. Currency system modifications
  13. Auction House modifications
  14. Pegasus can now be flown from one city directly to another without going through Velika as an intermediate step
All that was just a short summary of what's to come in KTERA very soon. For some neat pictures, please visit steparu's blog at: http://steparu.com/previews/mmo-rpg-previews/823-tera-queen-of-argon-part-1

Closed Beta 1 Videos - BAM Fails

Some BAMs that managed to kill my party and I. Rofl at that crab one hitting me. Definitely did not see that coming.

Crab BAM 1-hitting me

Spider BAM that was outside the Eldritch Academy if I remember correctly

Will be uploading more tomorrow!

Closed Beta 1 Videos - Flying my Lovely Pegasus

In the last post, I listed out all the videos of me on my horse running around and since I like being organized, I'm going to keep the flights in a separate post. Here are a couple of flights that I took and recorded. Most, if not all are with no GUI so enjoy the scenery!

Velika to Crescentia Flight Path

Cutthroat Harbour to Velika Flight Path

Pora Elinu to Velika Flight Path

And of course, full HD 1080p at max settings are on.

Closed Beta 1 Videos - Roaming Across TERA

So today, I uploaded all my videos that I took while roaming around. These places don't even have quests assigned to them as of yet and some of them don't even have NPCs! However, most of these places do have monsters (and lots of BAMs) for you guys to look at, so don't worry, just enjoy the pretty scenery and have a little preview of what's to expect in the later levels of the game.

Frymount to Castanica

Castanica to Vindicator Basecamp

 Cliffs of Insanity to Sinestral Manor

Poporion to Eldritch Academy

Lake of Tears to Mad Jester Pass

Velika to Desert Research Station

Mags Tohopka to Storst Ruins

Desert of Plunder to Colossal Ruins

And like last video, these ones are also in full 1080p at the highest settings (at this time).

NA Closed Beta 1 Finished

Welp guys, the NA TERA servers just went down as the first Closed Beta finishes up its last remaining minutes. See you all in the Next upcoming Closed Beta phase!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

TERA Bastion Final Boss

Here's a little video of me playing my Lancer in the first Closed Beta of the NA TERA. Yes, I know I suck, but give me a break, I played for 9 hours already and by the time I got there, I was already extremely tired. Also, it's also our first time fighting the boss so I knew nothing of his patterns beforehand. Our party had to learn in battle.

TERA Decensorship

As some of us know, there has been a huge uproar over the past few weeks about the censorship of Elins.

Taken by TeraFans
But thankfully, there is a fix to it. A very nice modder by the name of Naduron has released a decensored model package from the Korean TERA. All you have to do is create a backup of your current model files (optional, but recommended), and then paste the Korean model files into the specified folder which is in the readme. His website is here: http://tera-mods.blogspot.com/ for more information.

He's also made some other decensorship mods for the High Elf and the Castanic females, though I won't post pictures here as you CAN in fact see their nipples through the armor and I'd like to keep this a non-adult only blog. He has also made some sound modifications taken from the Korean TERA and Japanese TERA if you're interested in that.

Once again, his website is http://tera-mods.blogspot.com/

First Post!

Welcome to Tera-Info where I'll be posting all information regarding TERA. It will mostly be about NA, but if there's anything interesting going on in the other regions, I will also make posts about them as well.